Thursday, February 14, 2008

A day off school + clear skies + everyone healthy = a fun day in Seattle all documented by a MWAC (Mom with a Camera).

And a little bit of personal trivia. I worked at the Spaghetti Factory in college (circa 1989!). I hated it. We worked our tails off for small tips and I spent many hours scooping butter and spumoni ice cream. I couldn't even stand the smell of the place and I swore I'd never step foot in one again. But today the kids were hungry, it was right across the street from where we were and I knew the kids would like it. I will report that it still smells the same, the menu is the same and they still know how to make pretty good spaghetti.

1 comment:

Felix Chai said...

Hey! I'm felix from M'sia (Arts of life blog)!
Can't help peeking through your lovely collection of the beautiful photo!! It was amazing shots!

Is it ok for me to add you in my FAV list of talented blogger?

You take care,
Felix Chai